“The Lord’s Prayer: Your Will Be Done” Matthew 6:5-10

July 25, 2021 — Reverend Steve Johnson

I. Pray that God’s Will Might Be Known

A. The Secret Will of God: “If the Lord Wills” (James 4:15, Eph. 1:3-11)

B. The Revealed Will of God: “Do this and live” (Ex. 20:1-17, Gal. 3:12, Matt. 22:34-40)

II. Remember That God’s Will was Done

A. Our Rebellious Wills (Rom. 8:7-8)

B. Christ’s Obedient Will (Heb. 10:5-7, Isa. 53:10, Luke 22:42)

III. Pray with Gospel Hope that God’s Will Might Be Done

A. Obeying God’s Will by the Spirit (Ps. 119:32-36, Phil. 2:13)

B. Submitting to God’s Will by the Spirit (Luke 22:42)