“The Lord’s Prayer: Horizontal Forgiveness” Matthew 6:12, 14-15; 18:21-35

August 15, 2021 — Reverend Chris Harper

I. We need to see our need of forgiveness

1. Context of the parable (18:15-20, 21-22)

2. Our place in the parable (23-26)

II. We need to see extent of God’s forgiveness to us (27-34)

1. What the king could have done (34)

2. What the king did do (27)

(A) Pitied him

(B) Forgave the debt

(C) Let him go

3. What the servant should have done

4. What the servant did do (28-30)

III. We need to forgive as we have been forgiven

1. What does it look like? (27)

2. How many times? (21-22)

3. What if the other person is not sorry/repentant?

4. How can we do it?