“The New Jerusalem and Bride of the Lamb” Revelation 21:9-21 May 3, 2020 — Reverend Chris Harper I.  The city is safe (10-12, 15-17) 1. Measured (15-17) 2. Guarded (12; cf. 25-27) 3. Filled (10-11; cf. 3) II.  The city is beautiful (11, 16, 18-21) 1. In its shape (11, 16) 2. In its shine (11, 18-21) III.  The city is you (9-10, 12-14, 19-20) 1. The holy city is the Bride of the Lamb (9-10) 2. 12 tribes & 12 apostles (12-14) 3. 12 stones (19-20; Ex 28, 39) So what? 1. Courage & strength to live like who you are 2. Overwhelming peace because of the unified and faithful plan of God