“Do You Have the Right Covering?” Psalm 32

June 13, 2021 — Reverend Chris Harper

I. Why we need forgiveness (1, 3-5)

1. What sin is (1-2)

2. What sin does (3-4)

3. Why we need help (1-5)

II. How we get forgiveness (5-7, 10)

1. Using the right standard (5)

2. Going to the right source (5-6)

3. Getting the ultimate declaration (5-6, 10-11; Rom 4:1-8)

III. Fruit of forgiveness (1-2, 8-11)

1. Blessing/Happiness (1-2)

2. Wise, trusting, counter-cultural obedience (8-10)

(A) Wisdom (8-9)

(B) Trust (10; Rom 8:32)

(C) Counter-cultural obedience (10)

3. Worship (11)