“God’s Faithfulness to His Covenant Promises” 2 Samuel 7:1-17

January 3, 2021 — Reverend Chris Harper

I. Upside-down plan of the human heart (1-5)

1. David & Nathan’s plan (1-3)

2. God’s response (4-5, 11b)

II. God’s plan of steadfast love and grace (6-16)

1. God’s presence with his people (6-11a)

2. God’s provision for his people (11b-16)

(A) Immediately in Solomon

(B) Ultimately in Jesus

3. God’s faithfulness to his promises (9b-16)

III. Proper response of God’s people

1. Relying on God’s Word and not just human wisdom (4-5a, 17)

2. Never getting comfortable with God’s blessings (1-3)

3. Giving all glory to God for his faithfulness to his covenant promises (9-16)