“Chaos in the Kingdom” 2 Samuel 2:12-3:39

November 1, 2020 — Rev. Chris Harper

I. Stupidity of our sin (2:12-32; 3:1-5)

1. Example of Abner (2:12-32)

2. Example of David (3:1-5)

II. Seriousness of seeking the wrong glory (3:1-39)

1. Example of Abner (3:1-11)

2. Example of Joab (3:12-39)

III. Stability found only in the hope of God’s promises

1. Promise of the ultimate Peacekeeper (3:31-39; Rom 5:1)

2. Promise of the ultimate King (Rev 11:15-19)

(A) What that means for how we live now

(B) What that means for Tuesday