“Another Rebellion, Sparked by a False Gospel” 2 Samuel 19:41-20:26

April 25, 2021 — Reverend Steve Johnson

I. Be Eager to Maintain the Unity of the Spirit (2 Sam. 19:41-20:2, cf. Eph. 4:3)

1. The Prideful Infighting (2 Sam. 19:41-43)

2. The Hopeless Lie (2 Sam. 20:1)

3. The Fickle Division (2 Sam. 20:2)

II. Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out (2 Sam. 20:3-22; cf. Num. 32:23)

1. Justice Later for Joab (2 Sam. 20:4-13, 1 Kings 2:5-6)

2. Justice Now for Sheba (2 Sam. 20:14-22)

3. Justice or Injustice for the Concubines? (2 Sam. 20:3)

III. Believe the Gospel: We Have an Inheritance in the Son of Jesse (2 Sam. 20:1, cf. Isaiah 11, Rom. 15:12, Heb. 11)