“The Picture of the Christian Life: Walking in the Light” 1 John 1:5-2:2

September 26, 2021 — Reverend Chris Harper

I. The Problem

1. We have a problem because we sin (5-6)

(A) Standard (5)

(B) Standard broken (6)

2. We have a problem because we have a sinful nature (8; Rom 5:12-18)

3. We have a problem because sin disrupts our relationship with God (6, 10)

(A) Walking in darkness disrupts fellowship (6)

(B) Denying we sin is in effect calling God a liar (10)

(1) How so? (Rom 3:9-18; Ps 14:3; 53:2-3; Eccl 7:20; Isa 53:6; 64:6)

(2) What is the effect?

II. The Solution

1. Confess sin (9, 2:1-2)

(A) What that means

(B) What happens when we do (9)

(C) How it happens (2:1-2)

2. Believe God’s promise (9a)

3. Walk in the light (7; 2:1a)

(A) What that means

(B) What it leads to