Previous Episode: The Resurrection and the Life
Next Episode: Forsaken

Download the bulletin.
Order a hymnal for your home.
Upcoming Events
Sunday, 10:30 am: Divine Worship (live stream).
Thursday, April 9, 7:00 pm: Maundy Thursday service (live stream).
Pastor Antal is continuing regular office hours (approximately 9-5, Tuesday-Friday). Call ahead if you wish to be certain to catch him.
Holy Communion is available by appointment. Contact Pastor Antal to schedule an appointment for you or your family.
You may check out a hymnal (or hymnals) from the church to use during this time. Simply sign your name on the sheet and the number of hymnals borrowed. If you do not have a key, you may come during pastor's office hours.
Palm branches are still being ordered for Palm Sunday (next week). If you would like to get some for your children, contact June Thompson.
Easter flowers are still being ordered. When they arrive, if we are not expecting to meet in person on Easter, you can pick them up and bring them home.
Other announcements? Post them in the comments section.