S2:Ep 9
Setting Yourself Up For Success

In S2: Ep 9, I meet with one of my mentees who is about a year into her first job post undergrad.  She has not been set up for success in her current organization.  We talk about how to turn this around and set herself up for success, regardless of the road blocks the organization puts in her way.

S2:Ep 9

Setting Yourself Up For Success

In this episode, I meet with one of my mentees who is about a year into her first job post undergrad.  She has not been set up for success in her current organization.  We talk about how to turn this around and set herself up for success, regardless of the road blocks the organization puts in her way.

Now my mentee is a go getter!  She does the most and is hungry to learn and grow.  Any organization would be honored to have her on payroll.

In her current role, she has had multiple managers and leadership changes within her first year.  She has not been given clear direction or objectives, and she has not been given clear nor impactful feedback to grow her career.  Now, under her current leadership, she has received less than stellar feedback, which needs to be address.  We walk through the brass tax of addressing the feedback and navigating the performance portal to make sure she has official objectives in the system of her current company.

If this episode hits close to home and you need some coaching to set yourself up for success, schedule a free consult with me at  trillmba.com/coaching






