S3:Ep 1
To kick of the New Year and a New Season, we talk with Eleana Johnson, Owner and Founder of Loving Me Tees.  Eleana shares the story of her love journey, how her journey has helped her in Corporate America, and how that journey brought her to start Loving Me Tees to help other women start the journey to Self Love and Self Acceptance.

S3:Ep 1

How Your Love Journey Equals Career Success Pt 1

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome to Season 3!

To kick of the New Year and a New Season, we talk with Eleana Johnson, Owner and Founder of Loving Me Tees.  Eleana shares the story of her love journey, how her journey has helped her in Corporate America, and how that journey brought her to start Loving Me Tees to help other women start the journey to Self Love and Self Acceptance.


Today’s episode is brought to you by LovingMeTees.Com

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