Marianne Talkovski was flying, her business was thriving and her decision to take out a three year lease on premises was proving to be the right one to make, until........Covid 19 happened and we went into lockdown.

Marianne's story isn't finished yet, she's thinking again about how she serves her clients using her unique gifts as a transformational coach, therapist and all round well being guru.

You can find Marianne at

IG:  @projectgorgeousindy


Marianne is a licensed acupuncturist, esthetician, Transformational Coaching MASTER CERTIFIED Coach, Certified Deep Transformational Coach and Bare Coach in Training.  She guides her clients to find their most authentic expression of beauty in radical self-acceptance, regardless of the messages our culture has inundated us with to consume, perfect, compare, critique and feel less than enough.  Her foundational teaching is that by investing in your self-care and owning who you are, the ultimate act of healing, love, connection and beauty is activated not only in one's soul, but for all humanity.  She stands for all humans to raise their voices against forces of oppression, especially diet culture.  Since becoming a mother, Marianne is determined to create a world where her daughter knows what self-acceptance, self-care, self-healing and self-love looks like.  She guides all walks of life through these tenets in her signature coaching program Journey To Joy.  Since committing to this message, she has never felt more radiant, happy, healthy and powerful.