Matt Haycox built his empire up as a hungry 20 something year old in the mid 2000’s and lost it all in spectacular fashion in 2008. He had a new born daughter to feed and wasn’t cut out for a life of poverty so he had no choice but to ignore the advice of the ‘experts’ who told him he was finished and would never work again. He started back from scratch and came back bigger and stronger! Having learnt from his mistakes, he now spends his time ensuring his customers and the businesses he invests in & run can learn from his experiences and don’t have to suffer the same pitfalls, getting to where they want to be faster and smoother! There is no such thing as ‘self made’! We all need mentors, advisors, partners and usually funders. And when it comes to funding, he really has funded it all! From factory machinery to desktop computers, new buildings to liquidated stock. From football clubs to other lenders, music festivals to haulage companies. As well as finance, his group now includes interest in luxury fashion retail, e-commerce, EPOS systems, property, banking platforms & events.

Matt now splits his time between Dubai, Spain, and the UK.


You can find out more about Matt here: 


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