Hey wrestling fans, it's Wrestlemania season! Who better than WWE Sign Guy Rick Achberger to join us with his predictions & to tell some great stories from his over 20+ years of attending literally hundreds of shows over the years. Ever wonder who that impossibly tall dude with the red cap & blue work shirt & shorts is? Always sitting front row with his obnoxious signs? Now for the first time you can find out from Rick himself as he tells his story from his first wrestling shows to his stint on Deal or No Deal to the creation of his Sign Guy character & much more. Joining us his Rick's long-time co-hort Scott Baima (yes the grey dude with the long hair that's always sitting next to him). Plus new music from Judas Priest & so much more - Cmon it's Wrestlemania - We'll see ya in New Orleans!






Photos - 

Roy Turner
Jocelyn Hund
Steve Wright Jr.

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