I am so thankful that I dared to follow God. I dared to dream His dreams. I dared to take that time, whether it was during my kids’ nap time or waking up early on Saturday mornings instead of sleeping in, I am thankful that I followed this God-given dream. God led me on an... [Continue Reading]

The post #WalkItOut Podcast 084: Rachel Swanson appeared first on Tricia Goyer.

I am so thankful that I dared to follow God. I dared to dream His dreams. I dared to take that time, whether it was during my kids’ nap time or waking up early on Saturday mornings instead of sleeping in, I am thankful that I followed this God-given dream. God led me on an amazing path. I’m not even sure I would believe where I am today if I went back to that young woman that was twenty-two years old that was leaving the writer’s conference and told her that by the time she was forty-eight she would have seventy-five books published, a podcast, be able to teach and speak … It would have completely overwhelmed me. It would have been too much! The amazing thing is when we follow God, He will take us there one step at a time.

I’ll be talking about that today with my friend, Rachel Swanson, author of the new book, Refine and Restore: Revive Your Heart, Release Your Purpose. We’ll be talking about her book and also how God took her on an unexpected journey. He gave her this desire to write, but it has turned out far differently than she ever imagined. Including her first book, Big and Little Coloring Devotional that ended up hitting the bestsellers list! I just love how God has a plan for us, we just need to take those steps. Even though the steps don’t always lead where we want them too or where we think they need to go, God will refine and restore us along the path.

You are going to love my episode with Rachel Swanson as we chat about dreaming God’s dreams! 

I know you are going to enjoy my conversation with Rachel Swanson! You can listen above or on iTunes. I’d love it if you share this with your friends and leave a review here.

Links from the Show

Refine and Restore

Big and Little Coloring Devotional

This week’s Walk It Out scripture

Psalm 51:10

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Connect with Rachel Swanson

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube

Connect with Tricia

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The post #WalkItOut Podcast 084: Rachel Swanson appeared first on Tricia Goyer.

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