Marriage Triggers with Guy and Amber Lia Our world has turned on its head in the past couple of weeks with the pandemic, and a lot of spouses are now working in close quarters—feelings can soar during these stressful times. Have you felt triggered lately? Is your anxiety over world events bringing strife in your... [Continue Reading]

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Marriage Triggers with Guy and Amber Lia

Our world has turned on its head in the past couple of weeks with the pandemic, and a lot of spouses are now working in close quarters—feelings can soar during these stressful times. Have you felt triggered lately? Is your anxiety over world events bringing strife in your relationships, especially with your spouse?

Imagine what your marriage could be if you were completely in tune with each other’s greatest struggles, needs, desires, and hurts. How much closer you could be as husband and wife if those topics that cause instant arguments could become the very topics that lead to your most meaningful conversations? Imagine being the safest place on earth for each other. Today on Walk It Out, I’m talking to Amber Lia about her book Marriage Triggers.

Who is Amber Lia?

A former high school English teacher, Amber Lia is a work-at-home mom of four little boys under the age of 13. She and her husband, Guy, own Storehouse Media Group, a faith and family-friendly TV and Film production company in Los Angeles, CA. When she’s not building sandcastles with her boys on the beach, or searching for Nerf darts all over her house, you can find Amber writing to encourage families on her blog at Mother of Knights.

You can order Marriage Triggers HERE.

About the Book:

Marriage Triggers walks you through 31 of the most common marital issues that sabotage great relationships. Issues such as poor communication, lack of spiritual leadership, busy schedules, and different parenting styles.

Amber and her husband Guy break down many of the external and internal triggers that start fights in many couple’s relationships. Each chapter highlights a different trigger. They write with honesty and Biblical truth to help couples get their relationship on the right track.

Are you ready to break out of the cycle of reactionary outbursts, cold shoulders, and pain-filled resentment toward your spouse? Are you hungry for peace and joy to be the markers of your marital relationship? You’re going to love today’s conversation.

Walk It Out Scripture

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. Ephesians 4:2-3

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Resources, books, and links mentioned in this episode:

Marriage Triggers
Matthew 15:18
Proverbs 15:1
Ephesians 4:6-7
Prayers that Changed History

Connect with Amber Lia

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The post Walk it Out #95: Marriage Triggers with Amber Lia appeared first on Tricia Goyer.

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