Ready for Anything with Kathi Lipp Today on Walk it Out, I chatted my friend Kathi Lipp about her book Ready for Anything. This book is about preparing your heart and home for any crisis big or small. Maybe you have prepared for a crisis. Maybe you wish you had done better. Kathi and I... [Continue Reading]

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Ready for Anything with Kathi Lipp
Today on Walk it Out, I chatted my friend Kathi Lipp about her book Ready for Anything. This book is about preparing your heart and home for any crisis big or small. Maybe you have prepared for a crisis. Maybe you wish you had done better. Kathi and I talk about her wake-up call of NOT being prepared during their house fire. It’s then she realized how she hadn’t prepared for crisis. And now it’s Kathi’s goal to help you deal with the current crisis with confidence.

I loved this chat because it helped me to see how I was unprepared for our current crisis. (Don’t worry, I’m working at doing better!) I have to admit I usually have a positive look at the future. In fact, a few months back my teens were obsessed with a show called Doomsday Preppers. My 15-year-old wanted to start prepping, but it seemed so over-the-top to me. Yet, as we see now, anything can happen. I love that Kathi is here to help us and to guide us. I know you’ll enjoy our chat!

Who is Kathi?

Kathi is a national speaker, podcast host of the Clutter Free Academy, and the bestselling author of The Husband Project, Clutter Free, and Overwhelmed. She and her husband, Roger, live in California and are parents of four young adults. Using humor and wisdom, Kathi offers hope paired with practical steps to women looking to living with meaning.

You can order Ready for Anything HERE.
About the Book:

Ready for Anything: Preparing Your Heart and Home for Any Crisis Big or Small gives finite simple steps for being proactive rather than reactive—helping you prepare their mind, heart and home for any unfortunate circumstance. Full of stories and humor along with facts, tips and lists, Kathi offers a down-to-earth guide that will show you how to face the unexpected with confidence, relying on God’s strength and plan rather than giving in to fear and anxiety.

Her step-by-step plan is easy to implement and will help anyone become a better steward of their resources as well as be the neighbor who can help in a crisis rather than needing help themselves. Kathi’s goal is to equip you to be the front line of helpers in any crisis from a natural disaster to a friend’s job loss.

 Order by May 19, and receive all of the bonus resources designed to accompany Ready for Anything. Find out more about pre-ordering and all the free goodies HERE.


Walk It Out Scripture
…not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
Philippians 2:4

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Resources, books, and links mentioned in this episode:

Doomsday Preppers — the show my teen girls were obsessed with for over two months.
John 14:27
Make sure you pre-order a copy of Ready for Anything and recieve the below bonuses!

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The post Walk it Out #93: Ready for Anything with Kathi Lipp appeared first on Tricia Goyer.

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