Chrystal Evans Hurst is a Jesus girl. Wife. Mom. Writer. Speaker. Singer. Homeschooler. Bibliovore. Techie. Hopeless Romantic. Starbucks Junkie. Foodie. Fashion Newbie. Runner Wannabe. Sweet Tea Connoisseur. Episode Highlights: Accepting God’s forgiveness & freedom when you’re wrestling with shame Walking out your faith, one step at a time Serving and loving others right where you...

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Chrystal Evans Hurst is a Jesus girl. Wife. Mom. Writer. Speaker. Singer. Homeschooler. Bibliovore. Techie. Hopeless Romantic. Starbucks Junkie. Foodie. Fashion Newbie. Runner Wannabe. Sweet Tea Connoisseur.

Episode Highlights:

Accepting God’s forgiveness & freedom when you’re wrestling with shame
Walking out your faith, one step at a time
Serving and loving others right where you are
Obeying God out of a healed heart

You can find a link to the original episode here.

The post A Chat with Chrystal Evans Hurst and Tricia Goyer appeared first on Tricia Goyer.
