The High Ground features talks with the leaders of the Cannabis industry. Farmers, CEOs, public officials, anyone making an impact on the cannabis community and beyond. 

The current moment that we're living through, while undeniably difficult, presents an opportunity for the cannabis industry. Millions are out of work, but cannabis is hiring. States need tax dollars and cannabis is open for business. It doesn't take an expert to see the chance that presents the industry, but we got one. Jesse Betend is joined by Codie Sanchez, Managing Director of Entourage Effect Capital. Entourage was one of the first private equity firms to get behind cannabis, and Codie’s equally sought out for her insight into the cannabis industry, but also the wealth of personal and professional career advice that she puts out on her personal blog and social media. She also produces The Contrarians Guide to Getting into Cannabis, and not so long ago or very far away, she was an award-winning journalist covering human trafficking along the Mexico border. They discuss what this moment means for the relationship between cannabis and the private sector, advice for everything from taking your first steps in the industry, to what you can do to convince someone like Codie that your business is the real deal, and why Federal legalization may be closer than some previously thought.