When Dr. Janice Knox’s first read about the endocannabinoid system, she says that it gave her the shivers. As a curious minded person, the potential that it represented for better understanding of some of the biggest mysteries about human physiology. It was that powerful to her. 

Today, Dr. Knox is CEO of The Doctors Knox Inc. That's right, Doctors Knox. Both Janice's husband and her two daughters are all doctors specializing in cannabinoid medicine. In addition to being the CEO of The Doctors Knox, she's also the co-founder of the American Cannabinoid Clinics, and the co-founder of the Advent Academy. But back when she discovered the endocannabinoid system for herself, Dr. Knox was like a lot of her peers, incredibly skeptical about the merits of cannabis as medicine, that is, until she actually met the people that were asking for it.