Every time we bend our morality to our political ideology, we lose. We lose our honest righteousness but more importantly we lose a little bit of our humanity.
Disturbingly, there is increasing evidence that political ideology is shaping our morals and not the other way around. Doubly disturbing is the reality that political ideology is more firm, harder to alter, and is easier to use to self-define ourselves and find a tribe to belong to than our base morality is.
If you think about it, political parties and ideologies encourage us to make quick decisions on topics.We exist in our tribes, or at least our political spheres, and when a new topic comes up we tend to make a choice that echos within that sphere. And our friends applaud our choices. Our social media feeds erupt into applause. Oh, what a rush!
It is only later, well after we make these decisions that we justify them. And to make the justification we bend our morals to serve our needs.
Yes, politics controls our morals in just this way. We validate our political choices with post-hoc motivated reasoning.
We no longer identify as individual human beings. We identify as conservatives or liberals or capitalists or socialists. And this is incredibly degrading to society, I think.