Previous Episode: EP#31/Violette de Ayala

In this episode of the Tribe of Leaders podcast, Emi welcomes tech entrepreneur, speaker and mentor, Carla White. Carla is the founder of the Gratitude journal, one of the first few life-changing apps to launch in tech. 


Carla promotes the power of gratitude. She explains the importance of keeping a gratitude journal and how the mind works when one relives good memories through writing. Emi and Carla discuss the how the mind is conditioned by industries in this day and age. Carla shares some important tips on how to keep a positive and grateful mindset.


Find out:

Carla’s background and founding Gratitude app Carla and Emi talk about how the mind is programmed  Understanding that you are enough Carla’s leadership experience  Carla shares an interesting analogy



My Gratitude Journal (app)

The Ultimate app success Roadmap via


Connect with Carla:


