On this episode of TriangleCast, we have the pleasure of speaking with K.Melissa Kennedy, the…

On this episode of TriangleCast, we have the pleasure of speaking with K.Melissa Kennedy, the Founder of 48 Innovate. Last week we spoke about innovation. This time we are talking about why and how she started her business. The conversation was so engrossing that we had to be kicked out of the conference room!


A bit more on Melissa and 48 Innovate:

48 Innovate is a vehicle to inject executable innovation into big business while fostering a culture of intraprenuership. We bring together Cross-functional teams and REAL data in a setting and process that delivers results. Applying a startup mentality and a way of operating to a big business environment in 48 hours or less.

As always, TriangleCast broadcasts from the RTP Frontier in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. We record using Ubuntu Linux and Audacity Software.

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