Kevin is flying solo on this episode and he shares about the "Tri Swim Rules", the redesign and sort of rebranding of the TriSwimCoach website. Exciting things are coming and one of them is the Tri Swim Manifesto. It’s basically the rules that encompass the whole Tri Swim Coach community.

Learn "the rules", what Tri Swim Coach stands for, and what it stands against on this part 1 episode. Don’t miss it!

Topics discussed in this episode:
Redesign and rebranding of TriSwimCoach The Tri Swim Manifesto Building a community Rule 1: It never gets easier, you just get better Rule 2: Befriend the water Rule 3: Your background doesn’t matter, it’s where you are going that’s important Rule 4: We learn swimming as naturally as possible Being open to change Links & Resources: TriSwimCoach TriSwimCoach Podcast