According to a 2019 Nielson Audio Today report, 272 million American adults listen to radio each week. Today’s guest broadcast media trailblazer Jay Meyers has been at the forefront of this powerful and ever changing market for over 30 years. From on air personality to senior management and bankruptcy trustee, Jay’s had direct involvement or oversight of nearly 200 markets and over 1000 different stations in the US and internationally during his unparalleled career. As owner of Broadcast Management & Technology, LLC, Jay works with businesses to help them navigate rough seas. Today, Host Cynthia Cintron and Jay Meyers will discuss problem solving, multitasking, exit strategies and more.

In our trending tip, we dive a little deeper into how to manage challenges in business. Do you view unexpected changes as a threat or an opportunity? Tariq Farid, owner of Edible Arrangements faced this question when in 2016 California legalized recreational marijuana and the term edibles took on a whole new unwelcome meaning, And we;ll dive into the fishbowl. Lot’s to get to so Let’s fire it up!