Previous Episode: #31 - Kevin Gallagher
Next Episode: #33 - Brady Burkett

Dr. John Schneider, PhD is a healthcare expert, consultant, and businessman. Currently, he is the CEO & Founder of Avalon Health Economics. Prior to Avalon, he was a founding partner of the Health Economics Consulting Group (HECG)––and later joined Oxford Outcomes following their merger with HECG. Additionally, Dr. Schneider earned his PhD in Health Services & Policy Analysis from UC-Berkeley and serves as an Adjunct Professor at NYU.


5:52 - John’s other home (Miami); the VC/Innovator movement to Miami headed by Mayo Francis Suarez

15:39 - John’s PhD expertise in economics and healthcare explained; Money & Healthcare; The Opioid Epidemic as an example of Medical Records problems

21:48 - The contentious relationship between Doctors & Insurance Companies; Electronic Medical Records; Doctors as psychologists; John’s Telehealth Client

40:28 - Covid and the remote work movement; Masks; Bacterial vs. Viral Infections; The Hospitals’ Covid Preparation Teams; John called Covid; The leadership problem in Covid; The politicization and polarization of Covid; 

1:04:32 - The Federalism Argument w/ Covid (State Government Power vs. Federal Government Power); Governor Ron DeSantis’ Covid Actions in Florida; Test groups vs. Control groups; Covid’s effects on different races & ethnicities

1:26:50 - The financial incentivization of hospitals to declare patient deaths as Covid deaths and why this is unlikely to be a major trend

1:35:59 - Why do fit Americans have to shut down for Americans who choose to smoke or choose to eat too much (and are therefore at greater risk of complications related to Covid 19); The Pandemic is making us forget about everything that came before it

1:44:12 - Science is the new religion; Transmission data; Civil Liberties Precedents; Covid Testing Problems

1:56:05 - Americans past their Covid breaking points; The struggle of small business owners; Immune Systems

2:08:58 - The vaccine (& vaccines in general) explained; Viral load

2:19:49 - Anti-Vaxxers; The sentiment around the Covid vaccine; Dispelling the autism rumors around the vaccine; Moderna MRNA vaccine vs. Pfizer vaccine

2:36:30 - Big Pharma, “Pilling up” society; The importance of drugs in the world; Personal responsibility with nutrition

2:56:07 - Telehealth in Covid & its future as a healthcare industry segment




Show Notes: