For 45 years, the island of Cyprus has been divided, politically and physically, between the Turkish-Cypriot north and Greek-Cypriot south. Despite many efforts over the years to resolve it, including some near misses, the conflict has proved intractable. Security guarantees, though perceived differently for both sides, have been among the major sticking points to reuniting the island. But so, too, has restitution of property abandoned by Cypriots who were displaced from both sides of the island during the Turkish invasion and occupation of northern Cyprus in 1974.

That sense of loss has long featured prominently in Cypriots’ experience of the conflict, exacerbated in the north by international isolation. But the generation that lived through the displacement is now aging and the demography of northern Cyprus changing, with uncertain implications. 

In this week’s In Depth Report episode of the podcast, Jonathan Gorvett talks with WPR’s senior editor, Robbie Corey-Boulet, about the history of the Cyprus conflict, what’s changing, and what that means for efforts to reunite Cyprus.

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Trend Lines is produced and edited by Peter Dörrie, a freelance journalist and analyst focusing on security and resource politics in Africa. You can follow him on Twitter at @peterdoerrie.

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