My guest today is Tadas Viskanta, the founder and editor of the Abnormal Returns blog and a private investor with 20-plus years of experience. Viskanta calls his blog a "forecast free investment blog".

The topic is his book Abnormal Returns: Winning Strategies from the Frontlines of the Investment Blogosphere.

In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:

Investment philosophies and strategies to the challenges authors and bloggers face in the world today Disadvantage given to those who follow the constant data stream from the media Why Viskanta felt the need to write "Abnormal Returns", and the strategy and style behind it The phrase "abnormal returns" and trying to measure returns over and above the risk taken Underperforming Preparing for abrupt change in the markets Viskanta's move from value investing to a more systematic strategy--and Covel's early experiences with value investing material Now that so many global barriers are easy to cross, why so many people have "home bias" and difficulty placing global investments Why people still look at the markets with rose colored lenses and so easily forget the bubbles of the past The behavior gap Why having a suboptimal strategy that you can follow in a systematic way is better than having no strategy at all The ramifications of instant feedback in the blogosphere Why you need a burning desire to be an author today

Jump in!


I’m MICHAEL COVEL, the host of TREND FOLLOWING RADIO, and I’m proud to have delivered 10+ million podcast listens since 2012. Investments, economics, psychology, politics, decision-making, human behavior, entrepreneurship and trend following are all passionately explored and debated on my show.

To start? I’d like to give you a great piece of advice you can use in your life and trading journey… cut your losses! You will find much more about that philosophy here:

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Hope you enjoy my never-ending podcast conversation!