My guest today is Rana el Kaliouby. She is on a mission to humanize technology with artificial emotional intelligence, or what she calls “Emotion AI.” through developing a “deep learning” platform that combines facial expression with tone of voice to infer how a person is feeling. She is the author of “Girl Decoded: A scientist’s quest to reclaim humanity by bringing emotional intelligence to technology.”

The topic is her book Girl Decoded: A Scientist’s Quest to Reclaim Our Humanity by Bringing Emotional Intelligence to Technology.

In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:

Pinnacle of AI in 2020 Artificial Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence Siri and Alexa Emotional Intelligence Versus Intelligence Quotient Communication and Internal State Clinton and Trump Building Trust Facial Landmarks Data Collection Dating App

Jump in!


I’m MICHAEL COVEL, the host of TREND FOLLOWING RADIO, and I’m proud to have delivered 10+ million podcast listens since 2012. Investments, economics, psychology, politics, decision-making, human behavior, entrepreneurship and trend following are all passionately explored and debated on my show.

To start? I’d like to give you a great piece of advice you can use in your life and trading journey… cut your losses! You will find much more about that philosophy here:

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Hope you enjoy my never-ending podcast conversation!