My guest today is Van Tharp. Tharp runs the Van Tharp Institute and is the author of four acclaimed books. He was also featured in Jack Schwager's Market Wizard's: Interviews with Great Traders. Van Tharp received his Ph.D. in psychology, is a certified Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a Certified Master Time Line Therapist, a certified Modeler of NLP, and an Assistant Trainer of NLP. He has used his expertise in NLP to create the successful models of trading and investing upon which so much of his work is based. Tharp also was also considered for the original Turtle program with Richard Dennis and Bill Eckhardt. 

The topic is trading psychology.

In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:

Tharp's psychological expertise to explain why trading psychology is so important to being a successful trader Importance of happiness in relation to trading psychology The influence of Tom Basso, Bill Eckhardt, and Ed Seykota (and his concept of "market's money") The notion of self-sabotage

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I’m MICHAEL COVEL, the host of TREND FOLLOWING RADIO, and I’m proud to have delivered 10+ million podcast listens since 2012. Investments, economics, psychology, politics, decision-making, human behavior, entrepreneurship and trend following are all passionately explored and debated on my show.

To start? I’d like to give you a great piece of advice you can use in your life and trading journey… cut your losses! You will find much more about that philosophy here:

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