My guest today is Eric Crittenden, the founder and Chief Investment Officer of Standpoint Funds. Eric has spent his career with trend following strategies, first at BlackStar where he managed a fund-of-funds, then at Longboard, and now at Standpoint Funds. This background makes him not only a fountain of knowledge on trend following theory, but also the operational logistics and practical considerations. He has also published several research papers on the matter, which are linked to below.

The topic is Trend Following.

In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:

Relative momentum vs. time momentum Survivorship bias in the financial advisory market Defining risk – how much are you willing to lose? Why trend following works for both high-risk and low-risk assets Identifying the “sweet spot” client for fund managers The difference between most mutual funds and direct-managed funds Financial simulations vs. real life

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I’m MICHAEL COVEL, the host of TREND FOLLOWING RADIO, and I’m proud to have delivered 10+ million podcast listens since 2012. Investments, economics, psychology, politics, decision-making, human behavior, entrepreneurship and trend following are all passionately explored and debated on my show.

To start? I’d like to give you a great piece of advice you can use in your life and trading journey… cut your losses! You will find much more about that philosophy here:

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Hope you enjoy my never-ending podcast conversation!

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