Episode 158 The Expanse / Tears of the Prophets. We wrap up season 2 of Enterprise with the set-up/Game Changing episode of the Expanse setting up the Xindi arc. We Also cover the ramp up with the Dominion War, Sisko losing touch with the prophets and Jadzia's Death on the Season 6 DS9 finale. The Expanse Ratings:  Bob 8, Eric 7.75. Tears of the Prophets Ratings:  Bob 8.5, Eric 8.

Question: Do you feel they handled Jadzia Dax's Death well?

Eric and Bob's Top DS9 Season 6 Episodes:

1. Far Beyond the Stars

2. In the Pale Moonlight

3. Rocks and Shoals

4. Sacrifice of Angels

5a. Waltz (Eric)

5b. Honor Among Thieves (Bob)

Honorable Mention: Wrongs Darker Death Night (Bob), Inquisition, The Reckoning, Valiant


Eric and Bob's DS9 Season 6 Episode Lows:

1. Resurrection

2. Profit and Lace

3. Sons and Daughters

4a. The Magnificent Ferengi (bob)

4b. Time's Orphan (Eric)

5a. Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night (Eric)

5b. You Are Cordially Invited (Bob)


Bob and Eric's Enterprise Top Season 2 Episodes:

1. Dead Stop

2. Minefield

3. Regeneration

4. Future Tense

5a. Cease Fire (bob)

5b. Canamar (Eric)

Honorable Mention: Cogenitor, Catwalk, Carbon Creek


Eric and Bob's Enterprise Season 2 Episode Lows 

1. Precious Cargo

2. A Night in Sickbay

3. Horizon

4. Singularity

5a. Bounty (Bob)

5b. The Breach (Eric)