Hello and welcome to Trek This Out Podcast.


Please join Drew, Deb and Suky as they welcome Special Guest host Sara (@trekkiesplorer) and her other half Steve (@sybokshaircut) to review the Star Trek - Voyager - Season 5 Episode 10 - Checkpoint.

"Stardate: Unknown. While traveling through Devore space, Captain Janeway must hide all telepaths on board in transporter stasis as telepathy is illegal under Devore law. After Voyager is repeatedly searched, the leader of the investigations requests asylum and wishes to defect"

The link for "BBC Sounds - Add To Playlist" is https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/m00106lb

We will be reading out your feedback and giving our lights out of 5. Please Look out for Easter Eggs at the end of the episode.

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Suky Twitter - @cyberman_151

Suky Instagram - @sukykhakh

Deb Twitter - @luffdee

Andrea Twitter - @Vintage1983V

Andrea Instagram - @vin_of_the_basement_

Drew Twitter - @23bdi

Drew's Band - The Doomed Bird Of Providence 😎 https://open.spotify.com/artist/0mcvIEf9827OCq7RvYD0Ky?si=7UBoFd6mRa6XX6SB6D6FYw

So "engage" your ears while we 'warp' into them.


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