Tech and Kirk speak with EpiTheUnderBoss (MBD), Handy and Smooth (NONA), Chef (PNTG) and Klown (DARK) as we talk about the current state of war between several alliances, tip and tricks on researching, dry hitting bonanzas and more.

- IMM and MBD still at war, even with the helping hands of Chef and Handy

- OG Klown is back, but somehow confuses DIRT for DARK

- EpiTheUnderBoss gets beat up over Mudd

- We also revisit Smooth's and Trojan's dry-hitting bonanza that took the server by storm

- Chef tells GrandAdmiralKey to trademark his most quoted phrase

- With Klown back, we dive back into the early days of CLIT, STFC and DARK

- Handy issues an open challenge to his base!!

- Resident whales talking about research upgrade strategies and how they really feel about G4 miners

- Is STFC trying to copy Star Trek Timelines?

- And more...

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