Recorded on Sunday, 10/10/21, Trek Table Episode #31 dives deep into Star Trek Discovery Season 2, Episode 13, "Such Sweet Sorrow, Pt 2”.  Join host Alison De La Cruz, Co-Hosts Claudia Alick, Maya Chinchilla and Maia Mills-Low.  We'll talk about all things transitions as twists of fate push a new path for the Discovery Crew,  Spock, and we finally get to see the actualization of Micheal’s arc to embodying the Red Angel.


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Trek Table holds weekly space for Black, Indigenous, Women of Color (Queer or otherwise) and our allies.  We are fans of Star Trek Discovery and are currently moving through episode recaps and exploring each episode through segments such as Trek Table Questions, Space Runway, Discovery Design and Thematix.  


#Star Trek Discovery #BIWOC  #BIWOCTrek #Trek, #TrekTable, #Michael Burnham, #Women of Color, #Sci-Fi




Women at Warp 

Star Trek Discovery Season 2, E14 RECAP


Check out SISTERS ON TRACK, the Netflix Original Documentary. The film's Social Impact Campaign sponsored by Colgate Women’s Games, brings the film’s themes to life and focuses on empowering girls. You're invited to uplift and give gratitude to a mentor in your life, by posting a photo and personal story using the #anybodyseethedream hashtag. For more information on campaign, and to get free Telewatch party guide, goto


This Monday October 11th is National Coming Out Day - celebrating all of our LGBTQIA+ community.  This is the 33rd anniversary of National Coming Out Day! We wanna celebrate and honor all the queer fam-bam on Discovery - the characters, artists and fans!!! Thanks for being beacons! And shouts out to all the TrekTable Fam who are LGBTQIA+ 


October is FILIPINO AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH! Celebrate with the FILIPINO AMERICAN NATIONAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. This year the Historical Society’s celebration theme focuses on the 50 years since the First Young Filipino Peoples’ Far West Convention. These are  viewed by many as the start of the Filipino American Movement and the birth of Filipino American identity”. Follow FANHS on iG (@fanhs_national)  


We uplift the our friends in the Latinx community here in the United States and invite all to celebrate the final week of National Hispanic Heritage Month.  We recognize the achievements and contributions of Latinx American champions who have inspired others to achieve success. Discover documents, exhibits, films, blog posts and more from the National Archives and Presidential Libraries that highlight Hispanic culture.



@Quetzalmusic on Instagram



Maya Chinchilla @maya_chapina

Claudia Alick @calling up justice  

Alison De La Cruz IG: @picsbydela Twitter: @TweetsbyDeLa

Maiamama IG: @maia-splaining 


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@Trek_Table on Twitter

@trektablpodcast on Facebook

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