Welcome to this special edition of Ten Forward. Sina and I have decided that we all need a holiday so we have packed our bags are off to Risa.

Our good friends J.K Woodward and Darrell Taylor have kindly allowed us to present to you there thoughts on Into Darkness. To help the guys comic writer Scott Tipton joins them and they also talk to IDW editor Scott Dubier about the ongoing Star Trek comic series.

As always expect some great laughs, views on the film and expect some colourful metaphors!!

A great big THANKS to JK Woodward for his hosting Happy Hour for us this week.

Go to the Trek Mate Forum to leave your feedback on this week’ show.

You can find J.K’s Happy Hour The Taylor Network

You can find J.K at his blog Sequential Articulation

You can find JK on:

Twitter: @JK_Woodward

You can find Scott:

Twitter: @Scott_Tipton

At his website Scott Tipton’s Comics 101

You can follow Scott’s comic shop: called Blast Off Comics

Twitter: @BlastoffComics

You can find Darrell:

Twitter: @theVoice123

You can find out more about Darrell at the Taylor Network

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