Because the listeners asked for it (or at least because Sina did), Commander Firbob wrote, starred, edited and produced a Christmas Special!  Firbob, aka Paul Wright, coerced, I mean convinced, his sons Isaac and Dominic, to participate in the show, along with Emma and Paul Finch from Previously in the Alpha Quadrant, Melissa, Matt and […]

Because the listeners asked for it (or at least because Sina did), Commander Firbob wrote, starred, edited and produced a Christmas Special!  Firbob, aka Paul Wright, coerced, I mean convinced, his sons Isaac and Dominic, to participate in the show, along with Emma and Paul Finch from Previously in the Alpha Quadrant, Melissa, Matt and Geno from the Delta Quadrant, Marc from Trek Mate, Fez from the Wilderness, Brian from the Lou Trek Show, and Sina, your friendly bartender. Many, many thanks to all involved for their participation, as Firbob could not have done it without everyone (or he would still be making the show).  We hope you enjoy!

You can reach everyone (except for the Wright boys and Melissa, who is a Twitter Luddite) at:








