We listen to a lot of podcasts.

One of the ones we found last year was a fast-paced and energetic show called, "Two Guys One Trek." It's the journey of two friends through TOS: one who has seen it before, and the other who had seen every Trek series BUT the original. They think that Trek is best watched with a friend and we love going on this journey with them.

It's a fresh and unique perspective on the series that started it all--and it's so much fun! They've just released their entire second season where ever you download podcasts, but this week they're making a special appearance on Trek Geeks.

Join us as Ira Heinichen and Josh McClenney talk about why they started this podcast and we'll find out what episodes of The Original Series surprised them. Plus, we may iron out whether Josh was trapped in a cave throughout his childhood--the only possible reason he could have gone through all his time on this planet without seeing Kirk, Spock, and company. Good times.

Plus, there's some news on the Rio All-Suites Hotel for all you STLV attendees and there's finally a nationwide premiere date for the "Remembering Leonard Nimoy" documentary!

It's all in Episode 105 of Your Independent Star Trek Podcast! We hope you'll join us for some laughs!

We can't thank FIVE YEAR MISSION enough. We are truly grateful to them for allowing us to use their music for every episode of Trek Geeks. You really should check them out--they're writing and recording one original song for each episode of  the classic Star Trek series from the 1960's.

Warp on over to their website at FiveYearMission.net and check out all of their fantastic albums!  You can hear them all: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, The Trouble with Tribbles, and of course, the amazing Spock's Brain!  Plus, here is a little secret...they are working on Year 4 right now!

Here’s a rundown of the Five Year Mission songs you'll hear in this episode!

The Cage – [Track 1] – Year One
The Trouble With Tribbles 6 – [Track 6] – The Trouble With Tribbles

Bumper Music
Within the Mainframe – [Track 5] – Spock's Brain
Arena – [Track 3] – Year Two
Colder in Russia – [Track 6] – Spock's Brain
The Trouble with Tribbles 4 - [Track 4] - The Trouble With Tribbles


The Trek Geeks Delta was designed by Aaron Harvey. You can find him on Twitter @GeekFilter and please check out his podcast, "Saturday Morning Trek," on Trek.FM!