Cell phones have many advantages for a world traveler and
the obvious one is size and convenience .

When I travel, there certainly is compromise in what I bring and how available that equipment is to capture what I see. A smartphone that fits in your pocket, that you can carry everywhere is a natural choice. They are not that complicated and the results are not bad for a lot of applications.  And that’s why everyone is out there are taking selfies and shooting tons of content -- it’s just so darn easy to do. I am not saying it was best quality, but that's another issue that needs plenty of discussion.

The beauty of a smartphone is that it's like an electronic Swiss army knife. Not only can you take still pictures, you can also shoot videos, and you can record sound.  You can also make notes about your travels and find photogenic locations with maps & GPS. The apps and tools are endless.

When traveling, taking all your “stuff” is always a compromise and a bother. So depending on many factors you could opt to just take a cell phone with you as your main media recorder. Friends of mine just left for a month to South Asia and all they are carrying is an iPhone and an old pocket camera.

Your phone is a conduit to all your friends and family back home and you can send them updates when encountering wonderful moments in real-time.  This really is the awesome thing about your cell phone, how you can connect and feel closer to people in the world.


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