You booked the trip and now you are dreaming of the adventure and counting the days. Your awesome vacation will have photo opportunities, so you need to bring a camera. Who knows what you might find on your journey. Don't waste those weeks before you leave.

Be prepared for success by doing a bit of planning and maintenance.

There is nothing worse than being on the trip of a lifetime and having your camera fail or run out of memory. I remember climbing to the top of a mountain only to have my film camera exposure meter battery die on me. I had to guess the exposure; I guessed wrong.  :^(

Holidays need to be fun and stress free, not disappointing where gear and photo opportunities go wrong. A little pre-planning can put the odds in your favour that you will capture the moment and bring it home to build your future travelogue show!

Do not assume anything! Test your gear a week before you leave.

Here are a few tips to keep your camera(s) rolling and you smiling. There is a bit more to just pack and go, you need to make ready. Let’s break it down into four parts then you can pack and head out:

Requirements Purchase Maintenance Backup Plan