Travel Gluten Free Podcast

Bonus Episode

Podcasters for Justice 


We All Deserve Equal Rights


In light of the civil unrest that has been happening for over half a century, I wanted to support my friends who are podcasters of color. My best friend is black, I have many black friends in the podcasting community. Although I’ve treated all human beings fairly and with respect, I don’t feel that I can speak on behalf of people that have been persecuted and had their rights infringed upon because of the color of their skin.


As an anthropology student, I learned that race was created as a hierarchical structure to keep white men in control. Similarly, white men developed a list of what “women cannot do” to prevent females from becoming equals in the eyes of men. Women of color, in particular, I feel have had multiple challenges not because of who they are or what they do but because of the genetic factor of skin color.


I’ve always believed this to be an injustice. I enjoy spending time with people of all races and skin colors as I see all people on this Earth as human beings. Treating people with respect is not a privilege; it is a right, and the people of this Earth should act according to this universal law of decency. To do otherwise is to bring down yourself and humanity along with it.


Travel Gluten Free Supports Juneteenth and #Black Lives Matter


For June 19th, I wanted to share my support of my friends, who are podcasters of color. I felt to have a message that speaks from experience as a person who has lived with this injustice is more appropriate than for myself, a female caucasian, to be talking about this story. Graciously, Danielle Desir, a female podcaster of color, and friend offered her original audio to republish on my platform. 

The following PSA is original content from Danielle Desir’s podcast The Thought Card 


“With so much happening in the world, it’s easy to feel helpless, especially if you’re not out protesting. However, as podcasters, we have platforms where we can speak out against racism and police brutality. Collectively, we have built engaged audiences that listen to our voices regularly, and with a coordinated effort, we can combine our voices to take a strong stance against racism and police brutality. 

We serve many audiences, but we can speak with one voice. One voice that does not mince words and demands justice. We created this simple PSA (public service announcement) for podcasters or any content creator to post and share in hopes that we can come together across digital spaces to support the work of activists on the front lines of change, who risk themselves daily to create a better world for us all. 

Please join us in taking a stand during this critical time by issuing the following statement on your podcast or other digital platform(s):

We are (podcasters/bloggers/Youtubers/influencer/etc.) united to condemn the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many many others at the hands of police. This is a continuation of the systemic racism pervasive in our country since its inception, and we are committed to standing against racism in all its forms. 

We believe that to be silent is to be complicit.

We believe that Black lives matter.

We believe that Black lives are more important than property.

We believe that we have a responsibility to use our platforms to speak out against this injustice whenever and wherever we are witnesses to it.

In creating digital media we have built audiences that return week after week to hear our voices, and we will use our voices to speak against anti-blackness and police brutality, and we encourage our audiences to be educated, engaged, and to take action. “

Here are three ways you can participate and make a difference:

Read the above statement on your next show release and post the above statement and graphic to your social media feeds.  George Floyd Memorial Fund Minnesota Freedom Fund Black Visions Collective Campaign Zero Black Lives Matter Donate a portion of your show proceeds and ask audience members to donate to any of the following: Text “Floyd” to 55156 to sign a petition to demand justice for George Floyd. Sign-up at Color of Change to be notified of more opportunities to take action. Sign a petition and ask your audience to sign: 

Please use the hashtags: #PodcastersForJustice #WOCPodcasters #BlackLivesMatter


About Danielle Desir


Danielle is a financially savvy traveler who is an expert in paying off debt and building wealth while traveling the world. She is an author, travel and personal finance writer, podcaster, and speaker. “Money impacts nearly everything we do, so why not be honest and transparent about it and most of all, help each other by sharing what we’ve learned along the way.”


On her podcast, she talks about how to find the best travel deals, fabulous travel destinations, practical tips for saving money, investing, homeownership, and other financial and travel subjects.


In her spare time, she enjoys visiting local breweries, hiking, and finding breathtaking viewpoints and listening to informative podcasts. She loves attending spin class every week and enjoys long-distance running. When she isn’t creating content online, she leads WOC Podcasters, a community of women of color podcasters with over 3,000 members from 50+ countries!


Links and Resources Mentioned

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Connect with 

Danielle Desir

The Thought Card Podcast

Women of Color Podcasters Community


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