Travel Gluten Free Podcast

S07 Episode 05

Living in Africa as a Digital Nomad with Stephen Bailey of Kated Travel Podcast


Welcome to the Travel Gluten Free Podcast! Today, I’m speaking with Stephen Bailey of Kated Travel Podcast about his experience as a digital nomad and his most exciting travel experiences in his 14-year journey around the world. 


Traveling as a Digital Nomad


Stephen traveled to every continent, except Antarctica, by overland travel. Moving to his next destination by train, bus, or walking, he decided on where to go next by where he could get to on the map. On the locations he chose to stay for a period of time, Stephen found a group of travelers to congregate with and decided to give that city an extended stay.


Traveling as a Lifestyle in Comparison to Traveling for Fun


Many traditional forms of employment don’t support working remotely before COVID, so it was definitely harder to live a nomadic lifestyle. Living as a nomad can be challenging since you aren’t in a place for an extended period of time, so it’s hard to make lifelong friends. However, Stephen was able to connect and make friends with locals in the different destinations that he visited.


Listen in to find out how Stephen was able to create a career from travel writing, where he found the best African safari experiences, and why you want to keep your windows and doors closed and locked when traveling through Africa.


Connect with Stephen from Kated Travel

Connect with Stephen on Kated Travel Podcast

Follow Kated Travel on Instagram


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