Travel Gluten Free Podcast

S05 Episode 20

How to Eat Gluten-Free Whole Nutrition with Debra Klein Health Coach


Today, my guest is a health coach and food blogger who dedicated her life to creating nourishing food that tastes incredible. She inspires healthy living through lifestyle choices with easy plant-based recipes. Debra has many gluten-free recipes on her blog, and she’s always looking for more folks who want to create their own health journey and promote their own well being by making informed food and lifestyle choices. 


Processed Food Vs. Unprocessed Foods


When we can eat foods that are closer to nature, then our body recognizes these foods and knows what to do with them,” says Debra. When you buy pre-packaged foods, even though you are purchasing gluten-free, it may not be enough to “achieve vibrant health.” Just because your food is gluten-free doesn’t make you healthy.


She explains that our bodies get confused when we eat processed foods and can send out an auto-immune response. Having sensitivities, allergies, or auto-immune issues is your body’s way of saying that it doesn’t agree with the food choices that it’s been given. 


Using Plant-Based Whole Foods


“Say you’re making lasagna, you can use your vegetable peeler to make zucchini noodles to layer your lasagna, so you don’t have to resort to using processed gluten-free pasta.” She says to embrace the large varieties of whole foods available and use them in creative ways to make different dishes.


Eating Gluten-Free Doesn’t Have to Be Costly


Instead of eating packaged and processed gluten-free foods, Debra suggests eating whole foods for better nutrition and significant food savings for your wallet. “Whether you’re eating vegan, vegetarian, or gluten-free, it’s the packaged and processed food that is the pricier option.”


Focus on Foods You Can Eat


Being gluten-free, it’s easy for us to focus on and be sad about what we can’t eat, especially when watching others freely eat whatever foods they want without hesitation. Instead of focusing on what we can’t eat, focus on what you can eat! “When you focus on what IS available to you as opposed to highlighting what’s not available to you, it’s the flip side. This mindset helps you embrace all that’s there. When you focus on what’s not available, it puts you in a mindset that’s less healthy.”


The Guide to Traveling Gluten Free

Are you anxious about traveling with Celiacs Disease? Does the thought of getting sick on vacation worry you to no end? Unsure of what travel options are safe and how to choose a safe restaurant away from home for you and your children?

The Guide to Traveling Gluten Free will walk you through the process of planning and enjoying your next gluten-free travel adventure! Take the guesswork out of how to travel, where to go, and how to eat safely when you follow the information in my guide. Whether you are celiacs or gluten intolerant, my guide will give you handy information to delight in your next vacation experience!

Learn how to take a trip safely, what questions to ask when you are at a restaurant and which online tools and apps to utilize to find safe, dedicated gluten-free restaurants and food options. Find out what stores to shop at to purchase gluten-free food, determine if a restaurant is gluten-free or celiac friendly, and when you should walk out of a restaurant. 

Links and Resources Mentioned

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Look at Debra’s pins on Pinterest

Find out more about Debra Klein Health Coaching on the web


Journey with Travel Gluten Free

Grab the Guide to Traveling Gluten Free

Get the BEST all-natural gluten-free travel cosmetics at Lemongrass Spa!

Find cool gluten-free swag in my new shop here

Visit my Travel Deals page on my website

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***Disclaimer: All content found on the Travel Gluten Free Website, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. Material contained on Travel Gluten Free website, podcast, and social media postings are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice, Travel Gluten Free website, podcast, and guests present content solely for educational and entertainment purposes, and use of this information is at your own risk.***

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