Travel Gluten Free Podcast

Episode 24

S06 How to Cruise Gluten-Free


Welcome to the Travel Gluten Free Podcast, where you can listen in on how to lead a gluten-free lifestyle with more fun and ease! I’ll share with you how to eat safely on a cruise ship, and how to ensure you’ll get safe, gluten-free food every day of your cruise. To find out more about gluten-free cruising, pick up The Guide to Traveling Gluten Free!


Booking Your Gluten-Free Cruise


Whether you’re booking online through the cruise line or your favorite website or travel agent, you’ll want to make sure to call the cruise line with your itinerary cruise number and tell them you are gluten-free. In addition, you’ll want to let them know of any other food allergies or sensitivities you have so they can list all of them on your account. This way, the Matre’ D can pull up your list and make sure you receive safe food during your cruise vacation.


Choosing Your Dining Room on Your Gluten-Free Cruise


Choose one dining room you would like to eat at for the rest of the week and eat there consistently as the staff, and your maitre D will be more familiar with your diet when you frequent their restaurant. To ensure you receive safe food, try to find the Matre’ D for your restaurant, and before the cruise starts, make sure to thoroughly explain your food sensitivity, allergy or Celiac and the importance of receiving safe food because of medical reasons and that your diet isn’t a preference. Be clear with him or her that you will be dining in that room all week for dinner, and you’re excited to see what dishes you can eat during your time on your cruise vacation.


Dining on Your Gluten-Free Cruise


Let your waiter know you have a pre-order because of a food allergy, as many people don't understand Celiac or auto-immune disease. Feel free to tell the Matre' D you put in your pre-order the night before and that you have a food allergy, and your food should come out with the rest of the food at your table.


Eating Gluten-Free on the Cruise Ship Buffet


Quite honestly, this is the only buffet that I feel safe eating because the chefs on cruise lines really know their food! Look around to see what choices you can see are gluten-free, such as fruit, salad without dressing, and steamed veggies. Go to the counter and ask for the head chef. He or she will give you a tour of the buffet and let you know what foods are safe for you to eat and which ones you’ll want to avoid.


The Guide to Traveling Gluten Free


Are you anxious about traveling with Celiacs Disease? Does the thought of getting sick on vacation worry you to no end? The Guide to Traveling Gluten Free will walk you through the process of planning and enjoying your next gluten-free travel adventure! Learn how to take a trip safely, what questions to ask when you are at a restaurant and which online tools and apps to utilize to find safe, dedicated gluten-free restaurants and food options when you read my guide!


Journey with Travel Gluten Free

Get the BEST all-natural gluten-free travel cosmetics at Lemongrass Spa! 

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***Disclaimer: Content on the Travel Gluten Free Website and Podcast, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. Material contained on Travel Gluten Free are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Travel Gluten Free website, podcast, and guests present content solely for educational and entertainment purposes, and use of this information is at your own risk.***

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