Travel Gluten Free Podcast

Season 08 Episode 03

Gluten Free Travel Tips Part II


Today I’m delighted to host Ellen again as we share some top tips for gluten-free travel. Ellen started Gluten-free Vacations to help gluten free travelers plan their vacations to the Caribbean, Mexico, and Disney.


Always Pack Gluten Free Snacks


Ellen once made the mistake of not packing gluten free snacks on one of her travels and could only find French fries as a gluten free option. It is important to pack snacks even if you think you will find gluten free food during your trip. We also talk more about the range of snacks to carry and how to pack them.


Take Gluten Free Translation Cards with You


Although you can use Google translate to make translation cards or explain to someone in another language what you need to eat, Google does not always do a great job on translation accuracy. Make sure to carry translation cards with you when you travel. You could contact the local chamber or embassy for assistance in finding someone to help you create a translation card in another language. We also share an app that you can use to pull up restaurant cards in this episode!


Talk to the Chef to Find Out What’s Gluten Free


Introduce yourself to the chef or the restaurant manager, and let them know your need for gluten free food is for medical reasons rather than a personal preference; besides asking the chef what gluten free foods they have, find out how they prepare food in the kitchen. For instance, if they have separate fryers to avoid cross-contamination or if they change their gloves before they prep your food.


Ask for a Microwave and Mini Fridge for Your Gluten-Free Food


Getting a microwave or mini-fridge is one of the most helpful elements when traveling and staying in a hotel or air. However, if you have a refrigerator with hotel food, make sure not to remove that food from the fridge in the hotel you are staying in and put yours in the refrigerator because you will be charged for using their food. Call the front desk to request another refrigerator for your gluten free food.


Notify Your Host of Your Gluten-Free Dietary Needs


Our final tip is on why calling your hosts, be it the resorts, restaurants, cruises, or airplanes, ahead of time and letting them know your dietary needs will make your vacation a better experience for you, your host, and your family or friends that you are traveling with on your adventure!

Connect with Ellen from Gluten-Free Vacations

Follow Ellen on Instagram and Facebook

Check out Ellen on the web 

Journey with Travel Gluten Free

Get the BEST all-natural gluten-free travel cosmetics at Lemongrass Spa! 

Find cool gluten-free swag at my gluten-free swag shop

The Guide to Traveling Gluten Free will walk you through planning and enjoying your next gluten-free travel adventure!


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