Travel Gluten Free Podcast

Season 08 Episode 08

Eating Gluten Free in Australia with Ben from A Gluten Free Podcast


Despite a recent diagnosis of Celiac, Ben has hit the road and is already a dedicated advocate of the gluten-free lifestyle through his podcast, A Gluten Free Podcast. Join me for an interesting conversation with Ben about his gluten-free experiences and how he has learned to eat, along with the gluten free food adjustments Ben has made after discovering he has Celiac disease.


Being Diagnosed with Celiac Disease


Ben discovered that he had Celiac in 2020, right after his daughter caught a gastro bug leading him to mistakenly think he had COVID. Ben shares with us how he eventually came to know he had Celiac after running several tests; right before the Christmas holidays, Ben talks about his love for baking, how he had to give up pizza and beer, and how he and his wife transitioned together to a gluten-free household.


Tips on Eating Out Gluten Free


When Ben enters a restaurant, he first notifies the staff that he cannot eat gluten because he has Celiac disease. Next, we discuss why this is the best approach to determine if a restaurant can cater to a gluten-free meal. 


Gluten free apps make life easy by helping us find restaurants that serve gluten-free meals. Ben shares the gluten-free app he is currently using in Australia. Then, Ben takes us through some of Australia's best gluten-free restaurants, his favorite one serving 100% gluten-free meals. 


Fun Things to Do in Australia


Australia has so many fun places to visit and activities to engage in. Ben recommends some of the theaters, museums, and festivals in Australia. Ben also shares with us some fantastic beaches that you should consider visiting when you travel to Australia.

Connect with Ben from A Gluten Free Podcast

Follow Gluten free podcast on Instagram

Contact Ben on Email: [email protected]

Journey with Travel Gluten Free

The Guide to Traveling Gluten Free will walk you through planning and enjoying your next gluten-free travel adventure!

Get the BEST all-natural gluten-free travel cosmetics at Lemongrass Spa! 

Find cool gluten-free swag at my gluten-free swag shop


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