Travel Gluten Free Podcast

S05 Episode 10

Bucket List Travel to Bali Indonesia


Is Bali on your bucket list of places to see? It’s definitely on my list for sure! Find out what you can do in Bali from my friend Sheryl Robinson. Her and her mother went for a seven day specialty tour to Bali last year. 


Traveling via the “Hello Kitty Airline” Sheryl and her mom took a journey to Ubud, Rassasyan and Nus Dua and Molea in Bali and enjoyed every minute of their adventure. From hiking to swimming in a local lagoon, Sheryl tells the details of her trip and what to expect in regards to travel to Bali.


About Sheryl Robinson


Sheryl Robinson is a Podcaster, coach, and speaker helping teens/young adults discover their unique gifts, talents, and abilities to create a plan to achieve their dreams. In her free time, she loves to travel, especially with family. She works to live a healthy lifestyle, which includes setting a major event goal each year. Events she has completed include RAGBRAI, a 70.3 (half iron) triathlon, and a 50k trail run. She has received a Master of Arts in Servant Leadership from Viterbo University and has been a Girl Scout for 25 years. 


The Guide to Traveling Gluten Free

Are you anxious about traveling with Celiacs Disease? Does the thought of getting sick on vacation worry you to no end? Unsure of what travel options are safe and how to choose a safe restaurant away from home for you and your children?

The Guide to Traveling Gluten Free will walk you through the process of planning and enjoying your next gluten-free travel adventure! Take the guesswork out of how to travel, where to go, and how to eat safely when you follow the information in my guide. Whether you are celiacs or gluten intolerant, my guide will give you handy information to delight in your next vacation experience!

Learn how to take a trip safely, what questions to ask when you are at a restaurant and which online tools and apps to utilize to find safe, dedicated gluten-free restaurants and food options. Find out what stores to shop at to purchase gluten-free food, determine if a restaurant is gluten-free or celiac friendly, and when you should walk out of a restaurant. 

Links and Resources Mentioned

Tweet with Sheryl on Twitter

Find her on Instagram

Visit with Sheryl on Facebook

Watch her videos on YouTube

Connect with Sheryl on LinkedIn

Listen in to the Hearts of Gold Podcast


Journey with Travel Gluten Free

Grab the Guide to Traveling Gluten Free

Get the BEST all-natural gluten-free travel cosmetics at Lemongrass Spa!

Find cool gluten-free swag in my new shop here

Visit my Travel Deals page on my website

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***Disclaimer: All content found on the Travel Gluten Free Website, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. Material contained on Travel Gluten Free website, podcast, and social media postings are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice, Travel Gluten Free website, podcast, and guests present content solely for educational and entertainment purposes, and use of this information is at your own risk.***

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