Steven Courtney was no experienced traveler. In fact the 22 year old hadn’t even known what a youth hostel was when he made his first trip across the US on a work trip. He discovered a whole new world of multiple languages and adventure that he had to be part of.

From that point forward the standard two week holiday was spent experiencing the world but limited time wasn’t enough and he knew he needed more.

4 years ago he took the plunge to becoming a fulltime traveler and hasn’t looked back. You’ll enjoy this interview with Steven – his passion hasn’t diminished from his time on the road – in fact he is more amazed and curious the longer he travels.

Steven shares his journeys via periscope and you can check him out there at or


What I learned from Steven:

Working part of the year is often enough to fund the rest of the years travels. Like Brendan Lee and Tomislav Perko Steven was able to fund a good period of the year (9 months) from just 3 months of working in Australia
If you’re looking for somewhere different to visit check out Tonga. As Steven says it often appears on lists as one of the least visited countries in the world but he has had one of his most magical experiences there. The people are friendly and you can experience the sort of lifestyle unlike what you might find elsewhere.
Don’t dismiss traveling alone as an option. Many people told Steven to try it this way before he left and he was initially reluctant but loves the flexibility it affords him. There are pluses and minuses of traveling alone or with others and you need to find what works for you.
Steven’s method of travel has evolved as he has gone on. Initially moving constantly he has now settled into a system where he will base himself in a hub and go out for journeys from there, returning to the hub when required. This gives him more of a base, some familiarity and reduces the need to cart everything with him every couple of days.