It was seeing my therapist once a week for an entire year that made me realize that trauma and traumatic experiences are more common than I thought. Trauma to Triumph is about showcasing inspiring people who have gone through something incredibly traumatic but have come out on top. Today is another solo episode with me, Kim Bao, to talk about what living and dealing with unacknowledged trauma is.

Trauma is a psychological and emotional response to an event that is deeply disturbing and it’s a response that’s perfectly normal. However, there are times when our bodies don’t accept what has happened to us or even try to completely block it out. This means that there are some pretty bad things that have happened to us that we might have no idea about.

And that’s what unacknowledged trauma is. Trauma that’s affecting you in so many ways - psychologically, physically, emotionally, and mentally - but you have no idea that it’s caused by something in your past… or present. So it means that we can be medicating for the symptoms, but we’re not treating the cause.

In this episode, I talk about why it’s so important to acknowledge all your trauma and to start to work through it. This might take more than just writing in your journal. You might need professional help to do it, and that’s totally okay.

There is no quick fix to trauma. You need to acknowledge it and work through it day by day. You’ll be stronger, better, and healthier for working through it.

I talk about triggers as well. Triggers are huge, and if you don’t know what yours are, something can come out of nearly nowhere and knock you for six. Self-reflection is super important.

Have you acknowledged all the trauma in your life? Do you know how to talk to others going through traumatic experiences? How do you deal with the red flags in your life? Let me know in the comments on the episode page!

In This Episode:

Why you diminish your worth by not allowing your experiences to come to light Why you can’t address trauma with a quick fix How it’s possible to overlook trauma and try to medicate other aspects of your health Why you need to acknowledge that trauma exists in order to start working through it What would help other people acknowledge the trauma that you’re going through Why you will be stronger because you’ve worked through your trauma How to trust yourself and your own gut instinct What triggers are and why it’s so important to know what yours are What the difference between internal and external triggers are



“You can alter how you feel with a pill, but you can also alter it by acknowledging how you feel and doing something with it.” (1:24)

“A lot of the time we don’t acknowledge the trauma that we’re going through because we’re in it. We’re knee deep in it. And it’s hard to see outside of it because we’re inside of it.” (5:25)

“Acknowledging your trauma is so much more than just looking at it. It’s about self-acceptance, it’s about self-love, and it’s about self-care.” (11:07)


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If you liked this episode, you should probably check out these past episodes:

004: Learning To Trust & Love After An Abusive Relationship w/ Melinda Hopper

001: It’s Time To Destigmatize Therapy. You In? w/ Alexandra Wright

012: How To Confront Sexual Trauma & The Road To Recovery w/ Alison Forsyth 


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Check out the full show notes for this episode!

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