We're starting October with one of the team's favorite horror movies. No bees here--just one of Christopher Lee's favorite roles, a movie he believed in so much he literally paid his own way for a press tour to small towns across America, and possibly the weirdest post-production history of all time.

CONTENT WARNING for discussion of animal death, sexual harassment, and misogyny (because we couldn't completely escape talking about the remake)

Watch it on VRV: https://vrv.co/watch/GRGG8QG4R/The-Wicker-Man

2:00 The Most Fucked-Up Production History
18:00 Lost Scenes and Cuts
21:00 Spoilers Start Here
23:00 Speaking the Same Words but Different Languages
29:00 Personal vs Systemic Faith
38:00 The Terror of Sexuality (Howie is Lawful Stupid)
46:00 The Fuckin Remake
49:30 The Sequel That Never Was
55:00 Should You Watch This

Say hi to Dorothy and Vrai on Twitter @writervrai and @dorothynotgale

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